What would you do if your greatest talents were suddenly taken away from you? My guest in this episode, Kristal Murren, had over a decade of experience in leading leaders, cultivating organizational cultures and training trainers — then her successful career was interrupted by a car accident that turned her life upside down. Kristal will […]
Finding Your Life’s Purpose
On November 14, 2016, I was in a horrific car accident that changed my life forever. I was driving to work on the same route, at the same time, as every other day before. I was stopped at a red light and hit from behind by a truck at approximately 55mph. I never saw it […]
Be Like Sandpaper
Every day, all of us —especially women — are seeking the golden path toward enlightenment, self-actualization and perfection. What if I told you that whether we are talking about West Point Military Academy, the sales quota or our child’s math test, the key to success is the same? When monitored and measured, the grit that […]
5 Ways to Cultivate Charisma
We all know someone who has that alluring magnetism that others desire. We call that magnetism “charisma,” and it has the power to influence. What can you do to turn up your charismatic charm? Believe in yourself. If you don’t like yourself, why should anyone else? Having confidence in who you are and the decisions you […]